432 Park Avenue height is 425.5 cm (1395.997 ft).
Meters: 425.5 m
Feet: 1395.997 ft
Inches: 16751.97 in
Kilometers: 0.4255 km
Miles: 0.2643934 mi
About 432 Park Avenue
432 Park Avenue is a residential Skyscraper located at 432 Park Avenue Manhattan, New York City, with a height of 425.5 m.
The building is currently the third tallest building in the United States.
Construction of 432 Park Avenue started in 2011; the foundation was laid on in September of that year. Also, the estimated cost of building the skyscraper was US$1.25 billion.
The building serves as a residential complex in New York City. Also, most of the condo’s in the building are owned by extremely rich aliens from around the world.
The building has been criticized for been unrevolutionary, and nothing but ordinary.
See also: Tallest buildings in the world
Image Credits: qwesy qwesy