Cho Oyu height is 8201 m (26906.17 ft).
Meters: 8201 m
Feet: 26906.17 ft
Inches: 322874 in
Kilometers: 8.201 km
Miles: 5.095865 mi
About Cho Oyu
Considered easiest eight-thousander to climb, Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain above sea level with a height of 8201 m (26,906.2 ft). Also, It is located at the Nepal-China border. Furthermore, the mountain is among the many extremely high peaks that can be found in the Mahalangur Himal, Himalayas. It is located at Nepal(Province No. 1)–China (Tibet). Its precise coordinates are 28°05′39″N 86°39′39″E.
There have been an estimated 50 documented deaths of people, trying to reach the summit of Cho Oyu. Although this mountain is considered the easiest of the 14 eight-thousanders to climb, Cho Oyu is by no means easy. At such great heights, the weather can change rapidly without warning, and can even sweep people off the slopes. Avalanches can also claim the lives of people. Other causes of death include altitude sickness, frostbite, and even happiness (seriously).
In 2009, 71-year-old Clifton Maloney, died on Cho Oyu, after climbing to the summit. He died because of happiness. Also, in 2011, Ronald Naar, died on the mountain, due to altitude sickness.
Other Facts
Firstly, Cho Oyu is a Tibetian word and means Turquoise Goddess. Secondly, Herbert Tichy, Joseph Jöchler, Pasang Dawa Lama climbed to the top of the mountain for the first time on October 19, 1954. Thirdly, Maciej Berbeka and Maciej Pawlikowski climbed to the top of the mountain to achieve the first winter ascent on 12 February 1985. Fourthly, mountaineers around the world consider the mountain to be the easiest to climb. Fifthly, Edi Koblmüller and Alois Furtner, in 1978, reached the summit through the difficult southeast face. Also, Yasushi Yamanoi, climbed to the top of the mountain alone and was to the first person to achieve this feat. Finally, in 2004, Mark Inglis reached the summit of the mountain (he was the second amputee to achieve this feat).