Manaslu height is 8156 m (5.067903 mi).
Meters: 8156 m
Feet: 26758.53 ft
Inches: 321102.4 in
Kilometers: 8.156 km
Miles: 5.067903 mi
About Manaslu
Manaslu is a mountain located in Manaslu Himalaya. It is the eighth highest mountain on earth. Considered a very risky mountain even for experienced mountaineers, this high peak is best left to the professionals. The easiest way to climb the mountain is through the ice and snow side. Manaslu is located at Gorkha, Manang-Gandaki Zone, Nepal. Its coordinates are 28°32′58″N 84°33′43″E.
About eighty (80) people have died while attempting to reach the summit of Manaslu. On 4 May 1971, a South-Korean by name Ki-sup Kim, fell to his death from the mountain cliffs. The next year (1972), Ho-sup Kim, Joon-haeng Song, Sae-keon Oh, Chang-hee Park, Kazunari Yasuhisha, Ang Mingma (a), Ang Mingma (b), Ang Rita, Ang Tendi (Ang Dawa), Gyalze, Pasang Nima, Pemba Rinji (Nawang Chultim), Phurba Tenzing, Rinsing Ongyal and Wangel, died from an avalanche. Other people that have died on the mountain include; a french man by name Daniel Goulevitch, an Italian by name Giuseppe Antonelli, a South Korean named Chi-won Yun and Iranian Eisa Mir-Shekari.
Other Facts
Asides Manaslu height of 8156 m (5.067903 mi), below are other facts.
- Manaslu was summit was first reached on May 9, 1956, by a Japanese team.
- The first winter ascent to the summit was then achieved on 12 January 1984, by Maciej Berbeka and Ryszard Gajewski.
- The region around the Manaslu, is also used by novice mountaineer for trekking.
- By 2008, two hundred and ninety-seven (297) people had reached the summit.
See Also: Highest Mountains in the World