Mauna Kea height above sea level is 4207.3 m (13803.48 ft).
Meters: 4207.3 m
Feet: 13803.48 ft
Inches: 165641.7 in
Kilometers: 4.2073 km
Miles: 2.614295 mi
Mauna Kea total height from base to summit is 10210.8 m (33500 ft).
Meters: 10210.8 m
Feet: 33500 ft
Inches: 402000 in
Kilometers: 10.2108 km
Miles: 6.344697 mi
About Mauna Kea
Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain on earth; surpassing even the height of Mount Everest (Highest Mountain in the world). Most of its height (33500 ft), is underwater. It is located in Hawaii County, Hawaii, United States.
Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano, which last erupted about four thousand (4,000) – six thousand (6000) years ago. Asides have been the tallest mountain on earth, Mauna Kea is the: 2nd highest Ocean Islands, 8th most isolated peak on earth and Hawaii’s highest peak.
Since the mountain is in a prime spot and location – free from humid air, clear skies and a high elevation – the mountain is used heavily for astronomy. In fact, as of today, 12 telescopes are set on the top of the mountain.