Tianjin CTF Finance Centre height is 440 m, or 530 m (to tip).
Meters: 440 m, or 530 m (to tip)
Feet: 1443.57 ft, or 1738.845 ft (to tip)
Inches: 17322.83 in, or 20866.14 in (to tip)
Kilometers: 0.44 km, or 0.53 km (to tip)
Miles: 0.2734033 mi, or 0.3293267 mi (to tip)
Nautical miles: 0.237581 nmi, or 0.2861771 nmi (to tip)
Yards: 481.1899 yd, or 579.615 yd (to tip)
Light-years: 4.65090301E-14 ly, or 5.60222408E-14 ly (to tip).
About Tianjin CTF Finance Centre
Tianjin CTF Finance Centre is a developing mega tall skyscraper in China. The construction of the skyscraper began in 2013 and is in the final stages of completion. It is estimated that the construction of the skyscraper will finish in 2018.
Tianjin CTF Finance Centre is located in Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China. Its location coordinates are 39.0217° N, 117.6981° E.
Tianjin CTF Finance Centre is located in Binhai New Area, Tianjin, China. Its location coordinates are 39.0217° N, 117.6981° E.
Other Facts
- The main contractor in charge of the building project is the China Construction 8th Engineering Division.
- Architect and structural engineers for the building are from Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP in collaboration with Ronald Lu & Partners.
- The building has 81 elevators.
- Total floor area in the building is 2,714,055 sq ft (252,144.0 m2).
- The building has 97 floors, 4 underground floors, and 7 spire floors.
- The building is owned by Tianjin New World Huan Bo Hai Real Estate Development Co. Ltd.
- When finished, it would become the 4th tallest building in China.
- Finally, the Tianjin CTF Finance Centre height is 440 m, or 530 m (to tip).
See also: Tallest buildings in the world.